Pink Gloves Raising Awareness for Breast Cancer


International Dancing Phenomenon to Raise Funds & Awareness for Breast Cancer

Maybe you guys have already caught on to this amazing dance competition that is currently taking place nationwide.  By registering with the Pink Glove Dance foundation, and submitting your own ‘dance videos,’ you can help “build awareness, spread hope and joy, and raise funds” (PGD).  In order to win, videos will be voted for based on overall effectiveness of raising awareness for breast cancer, creativity of dance and use of pink gloves, and also the production quality.  Each of the 3 winning teams will receive an endowment which they will donate to a charity that supports breast cancer research.

This is a really cool opportunity to give back and have a ton of fun at the same time!  The facts are truly daunting: breast cancer affects 1 in every 8 women, and even a percentage of men.  It is one of the most invasive diseases and the Pink Glove Dance video competition is giving people an opportunity to give back in a creative way.

– Click here to find out how to register and submit your own pink glove dance video today –

2012 Contest Winners